The need for portage

Babywearing is recommended by all early childhood health professionals.

There are differences in quality between the different babywearing methods, but it is better to carry baby in any method than not at all.

There are slings, with knots, without knots, baby carriers (to choose, buy a ‘physiological’ baby carrier).

The brands of physiological baby carriers are :

Baby carrier Naturiou, fait par une entreprise française

Baby carrier Ergobaby

Baby carrier Manducca

They are very good quality and easy to find second-hand.

 bienfaits du portage de bébé

solution de portage de bébé

 Babywearing improves baby's tone, starting with the tone of the neck.

In terms of baby's health, babywearing means that the baby lies less on his back, and therefore reduces the risk of plagiocephaly (or flat head). Here's an article that talks specifically about plagiocephaly and how to avoid it.

We often think of plagiocephaly as torticollis, but in many cases, the majority of babies affected by plagiocephaly have an asymmetric tilt, even if there is no rotation problem.

This asymmetrical tilt can be prevented and re-educated by turning +++ and babywearing +++ (we still have a few tricks up our sleeves but it's case by case and depends on the age of the baby).

Carrying reduces the active asymmetry of the baby's neck by 50%, so that's an important fact!

A quick video comparing the different babywearing methods in a situation with baby:

Découvrez la cocon de naissance Ma Petite Laine :

L'innovation pour le sommeil de bébé

Créé par une kinésithérapeute pédiatrique, bébé dort sans sursauts.