My best advice as a mum: shopping, unnecessary products, my favourites, the best choices

I've drawn up a list of birth essentials, but I think it's important to speak here as a mum (and not just as a physiotherapist).

Here's what I think is essential to know:

- if you're breastfeeding, you need to know this: you need to relieve one breast, because mastitis lurks at night.... You should know that I've made a top video for this, and I'd like to thank you again for publishing it.

 A birth cocoon from the maternity ward

 - If you sleep well, you'll be able to get closer to the parent you want to be, so it's important that baby doesn't sleep too badly. Be careful, though, and expect 1 to 3 night-time awakenings. But the cocoon of birthhas changed our nights: baby no longer wakes up with a start, which reduces the number of untimely awakenings! Sleep is life. I wish you lots of sleep.

 gigoteuse de naissance  


Evolving clothing :

saves on laundry and washing powder, which is much more important than it seems

  Evolving bodies have saved me countless washing machines. And I didn't have to keep sorting through countless clothes of all sizes...

I loved them and my friends all bought them. Yes, a romper costs a lot, but it lasts almost two years... We don't regret this purchase. And you can give them as gifts. And yes, it's great for summer. And no, it's not itchy, on the contrary, it's like cotton, but much softer!

Oh yes, and it regulates the temperature, so you don't have to worry about how to dress your baby when it's hot but a bit windy.... bla bla bla... no, just a merino bodysuit and off you go! And what's more, it's made in France.

 body évolutif bébé


Travel cot

A good, sturdy and easy to assemble cradle is important, especially for the first child as you are still going out a lot (if you can sleep on the spot), so I recommend the best one: babybjorn (and not their baby carrier, which is not the best).

I had bought another bassinet cheaper, but it didn't last long and broke, so I bought this one used and resold it..... And what a great deal! It is selling very well!


lit parapluie bébé


Si allaitement

When breastfeedingIf you're planning to breastfeed but you're not sure yet, you'll discover... I advise you to have a breast pump to hand as soon as you leave the maternity hospital. It'll help you with lots of things you'll discover, but believe me, get one (buy or rent), it's always useful, even a little useful.

There are some great brands out there that are super practical and cordless. It's the best.

On a day when you're knocked out and asleep, it can allow the person looking after the baby to give him your milk so that you can get some rest. Just for once!

Oh yes, and babies don't confuse a dummy with a breast at all, but some are lazy and may prefer a bottle because it's less difficult, so don't give them a bottle every day if you want them to stay motivated to suck!

Understanding babies

Learn to understand your baby's gestures and sounds.

Your baby will close his hands before he starts to cry for food. If you anticipate this, he will be much calmer and more soothed.

Babies often have to bend their legs during the day. Every time he wakes up, this will calm his colic and evening cries!

Remember to hold his elbows so that he doesn't cry when you put him to bed. You can also keep a hand on your baby for a few minutes until he falls asleep.

Bend your baby several times a day in your arms and on the changing table +++.

The more often you do this during the day, the less likely your baby will be crying at 6 or 8 p.m. because of colic - it's directly linked!

Here's a simple video to help you understand


Do not use car seats for pushchairs that can be attached to the car. They are not very safe.

You need a good car seat that stays in the car and then an efficient pram. There is no rush to buy a pram; in the beginning your baby will prefer to lie on you in a sling or baby carrier. If you don't buy a pram in the first three months, it will cost you a LITTLE less. And to be honest, it's not an emergency purchase either.

Of course it was the first thing I bought, but 5 months ago it's not really necessary I'd say..... Big savings as newborn pushchairs are much more expensive and bulky....

Understanding the couple

We won't lie to you and tell you that it's a difficult time.

I can only give you one piece of advice: let the father/partner do things his own way. He's the one who will create the bond with the baby and that's what's important, not the way he dresses the baby..... So there's no interference from the mother when the father looks after the baby. If there are problems, change rooms, but learn to let him do things differently, even if it's difficult, even if he puts on a bad nappy.... even if he seems to be having difficulties..... It's important to let the bond develop.

The bath Shantala

It's my best bath product.  Babies love to lick the water, just as they did in the womb with the amniotic fluid, and when they're lying down, the water runs down their nose when they turn their head...

In the Shantala bathtub, the baby sits up and can control his own water level: it's amazing, but from the age of two months, he can do it! The secret is not to use too much water.

Babies love it, you can see it straight away, the water doesn't cool down too quickly and you can use it until they're around 1 year old.

Bathing becomes a much more pleasant experience than in a large bathtub, where the child initially feels lost and uncomfortable.

 baignoire shantala