Emily Pikler
Se sentir en sécurité affective, et motrice, permet au bébé de se réassurer et se rendormir entre les micro-réveils.
The solution for the transition after swaddling: the cocoon is in a soft swaddle
The 2-9 months cocoon from Ma Petite Laine is designed for the transition to swaddling for the specific needs of babies aged 2 months and over.
New in crèches: the Ma Petite Laine cocoon, an Emi Pikler approach
Makes it much easier to put babies to bed for their nap. The cocoon is very popular with community groups.
Getting baby back to sleep at night, Tips and advice from paediatric physiotherapists for a peaceful night's sleep
Getting baby back to sleep at night,Tips and advice for a peaceful night's sleep
Waking through the night is a common but difficult experience for you