L'emmaillotage moderne évite les réveils de sursaut, tout en laissant le bébé libre de ses mouvement.
The solution for the transition after swaddling: the cocoon is in a soft swaddle
The 2-9 months cocoon from Ma Petite Laine is designed for the transition to swaddling for the specific needs of babies aged 2 months and over.
New in crèches: the Ma Petite Laine cocoon, an Emi Pikler approach
Makes it much easier to put babies to bed for their nap. The cocoon is very popular with community groups.
My best advice as a mum: shopping, useless products, my favourites, the best choices
What I wish I'd known before becoming a mum, and before buying baby clothes and tools.
The false essentials, the real finds, my must-haves.